Week 17 全民英檢中高級口說測驗
請在15秒內 完成並唸出下列自我介紹的句子 請開始:
My registration number is ________, and my seat number is ____________.
本測驗分三部分,全程以錄音方式進行,共約20分鐘。作答說明除了印在試卷上,同時也經由耳機播出。作答說明一律以英文呈現。採整體式評分( 0 ~ 5級分 ),評分重點包括切題度(relevance)、可解度(intelligibility)、字彙與語法(vocabulary & structure)、發音(Pronunciation)、語調(intonation)與流利度(fluency)。
1. How often do you use the computer? What do you use the computer for?
2. How many languages can you speak? Do you want to learn more languages? Why?
3. Are you a vegetarian? What do you think about being a vegetarian?
4. What’s your favorite book? What is it about? Why do you like it?
5. What’s your favorite movie? What is it about? Why do you like it?
6. How would you spend the money if you win a lot of money from a lottery?
7. Who has influenced you the most in your life? Why?
8. Do you like outdoor activities? Explain why or why not.
9. Which city in Taiwan do you think is the best place to live in? What’s the reason for your answer?
10. Are you outgoing or shy? Could you tell me something about your personality?
11. What are good and fun ways to learn English?
12. What can the government do to help solve the problem of stray dogs?
13. Who is the person you miss the most? What do you want to say to that person?
14. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Why or why not?
15. What do you like to wear to work, at school, or in your free time?
16. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?
17. Do you like to travel? What does traveling mean to you? How many countries and cities have you been to before?
18. Have you ever been on a diet? What was the purpose of doing that?
19. If your friends were to tell you that they were having trouble sleeping, what kind of advice would you have for them?
20. What do you usually do when you and your parents or friends have different opinions on something?
請將自我介紹的句子再唸一遍 請開始:
My registration number is ________, and my seat number is ____________.
My registration number is ________, and my seat number is ____________.
本測驗分三部分,全程以錄音方式進行,共約20分鐘。作答說明除了印在試卷上,同時也經由耳機播出。作答說明一律以英文呈現。採整體式評分( 0 ~ 5級分 ),評分重點包括切題度(relevance)、可解度(intelligibility)、字彙與語法(vocabulary & structure)、發音(Pronunciation)、語調(intonation)與流利度(fluency)。
1. How often do you use the computer? What do you use the computer for?
2. How many languages can you speak? Do you want to learn more languages? Why?
3. Are you a vegetarian? What do you think about being a vegetarian?
4. What’s your favorite book? What is it about? Why do you like it?
5. What’s your favorite movie? What is it about? Why do you like it?
6. How would you spend the money if you win a lot of money from a lottery?
7. Who has influenced you the most in your life? Why?
8. Do you like outdoor activities? Explain why or why not.
9. Which city in Taiwan do you think is the best place to live in? What’s the reason for your answer?
10. Are you outgoing or shy? Could you tell me something about your personality?
11. What are good and fun ways to learn English?
12. What can the government do to help solve the problem of stray dogs?
13. Who is the person you miss the most? What do you want to say to that person?
14. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Why or why not?
15. What do you like to wear to work, at school, or in your free time?
16. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?
17. Do you like to travel? What does traveling mean to you? How many countries and cities have you been to before?
18. Have you ever been on a diet? What was the purpose of doing that?
19. If your friends were to tell you that they were having trouble sleeping, what kind of advice would you have for them?
20. What do you usually do when you and your parents or friends have different opinions on something?
請將自我介紹的句子再唸一遍 請開始:
My registration number is ________, and my seat number is ____________.